Friday, June 11, 2010

Customer Service

I lost an old friend two weeks ago. It was sad, but he went out fighting the good fight. I will miss him.
I'm speaking of course of the fly rod I broke while casting on the Chattahoochee River in Roswell, GA. Yeah, put up the Kleenex.

The point of writing this is to let anyone interested know that Orivs, although they have gotten a reputation of being more of a clothing company lately, still stands by their fly rods with a 100% guarantee. My old (circa 1999) Trident TL 906-2 broke under strain while I was hauling a back-cast a couple of weekends ago. The rod disintegrated at the ferrule, and I knew it was probably beyond repair. Hopeful for the best, I sent it off to Orvis in VT for inspection.

The call came in from customer service this AM, and they have decided that the rod is beyond repair. They are replacing it with a NEW T3. I'm pumped. They even let me pick a different configuration on the replacement rod, one that will actually work better than the old TL.

Orvis stands by their rods, and I will continue to be a happy customer for years.

It's important to note: their rod policy has changed recently to a 25-year guarantee instead of a lifetime guarantee. That's still pretty stand-up. 25 yrs is a lifetime in rod years (excluding bamboo of course)

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